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    world tour 結果共59筆

  • Tai Tzu-ying named ’top player’ after World Tour Finals win

    Taiwan’s badminton player Tai Tzu-ying, the silver medalist at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics, has been recognized as "one of the top players in the world" by Malaysian newspaper "The Star" after winning the World Tour Finals. With victories at the Badminton Asia Championships, 2023 Taipei Open, and the World Tour Finals, the 29-year-old earned a prize of US$200,000 (approximately NT$6.3 million) and 12,000 world ranking points, positioning her well for the Paris Olympics seedings. Tai’s competitors in Paris include China’s Chen Yufei, South Korea’s An Se-young, Japan’s Akane Yamaguchi, and Spain’s Carolina Marin. In an interview with the Badminton World Federation (BWF), Tai emphasized the importance of maintaining her health as she prepares for the Olympics. She also confirmed that the Paris games will be her last, making it her most crucial opportunity to win a gold medal.
    2023/12/25 17:38
  • Beyoncé shouts out ’Taiwan’ in tour film promo

    Pop diva Beyoncé surprises fans with the release of a video promoting the cinematic debut of her concert tour movie, specifically mentioning "Taiwan" as one of the countries where the film will be shown. The clip quickly gains attention from a massive global audience of 21 million viewers. Beyoncé’s world tour, titled "Renaissance" after her album, has been captivating audiences worldwide and is now being brought to the big screen for those unable to attend the live performances. In the promotional video, Beyoncé’s powerful voice passionately announces "Taiwan," indicating her desire to share the exhilarating concert experience with audiences everywhere. The video concludes with an invitation for fans to watch the movie in the nearest cinema, promising a thrilling experience comparable to attending the live show. "Renaissance: A Film by Beyoncé" is set to premiere tomorrow, with ticket prices ranging from NT$500 to NT$600, ensuring accessibility for eager fans wanting to indulge in the Beyoncé experience on the big screen.
    2023/12/20 21:27
  • Yoga Lin stuns fans with surprise farewell at Taipei Arena

    Taiwanese singer Yoga Lin surprises fans with a flash mob performance after his last "idol" world tour concert at Taipei Arena. Wearing a paper bag mask branded with "yy," Lin serenades fans through a megaphone at the arena’s service counter. Accommodating live song requests, he performs hits such as "Linger On," "You Are What You Eat," and "Flight" before bidding farewell. Lin’s playful and unexpected stunt adds a perfect and memorable end to his tour.
    2023/12/18 21:06
  • Tai Tzu-ying clinches 4th BWF title, defeats Carolina Marin

    Taiwan’s badminton star, Tai Tzu-ying, secures her fourth BWF World Tour Finals title by triumphing over former world number one, Carolina Marin of Spain. In a thrilling finale, Tai showcases her resilience and talent, overcoming a deficit in a previous match and staging an incredible comeback victory. Despite losing the first set, Tai’s determination remains unwavering, leading to a 21-14 win in the second game. With a final game score of 21-18, Tai emerges as the champion, etching her name in history. This year’s BWF World Tour Finals also featured a record-setting total prize money of approximately NT$79.43 million.
    2023/12/18 20:56
  • Tai Tzu-ying stages epic comeback to reach BWF Finals

    Taiwanese badminton player Tai Tzu-ying stages an incredible comeback to secure a spot in the finals of the Badminton World Federation (BWF) World Tour Finals, defeating South Korea’s An Se-young. Despite trailing 10-19 in the deciding game, Tai mounts a remarkable 12-1 run to clinch victory after a grueling 72-minute match. Tai attributes her success to perseverance rather than any special strategies. Despite still recovering from an injury, she is determined to be fully prepared and patient for the final match against Spain’s Carolina Marin. This will be Tai’s fourth career gold if she triumphs, and it promises to be an intense showdown given their balanced record of 11 wins each in their 22 previous encounters.
    2023/12/18 20:29
  • Tai reflects on tough year, grateful despite setbacks

    Taiwanese badminton star Tai Tzu-ying reflects on her disappointing performance in the second half of 2023 but expresses gratitude towards her team and fans. Despite her struggles, Tai triumphed at the Badminton World Federation (BWF) World Tour Finals, claiming the women’s singles title. This victory marked her fourth World Tour Finals title and served as a beautiful conclusion to a challenging year. Prior to the year-end event, Tai had only secured two titles out of the 18 matches she played in 2023. Concerns about her form were raised, but her win on Sunday dispelled any doubts. Tai also mentions the challenges she faced leading up to the championship, including injury and limited training.
    2023/12/18 10:55
  • Coldplay炸翻高雄!感性告白粉絲 驚喜釋出演唱會門票

    搖滾天團Coldplay(酷玩樂團),昨(11)日舉行「Coldplay: Music Of The Spheres World Tour - delivered by DHL」正式於高雄世運主場館震撼開唱,也是闊別六年再度登台演出,這次Coldplay首登港都行頭全新升級工程相當浩大,出動三架貨機,加上10個40呎貨櫃,大陣仗多達200位工作人員,原汁原味呈現屬於Coldplay的滿滿能量,主唱Chris Martin興奮飆中文說「多謝,謝謝!每個人我都看到了,我們愛你,歡迎大家到來,也謝謝你們讓我們來到高雄首度演出,我們非常感激,你們看起來超級棒!」今晚全場5萬粉絲在聽覺與視覺雙重體驗下從頭嗨到尾,加碼釋出今晚票卷,趕緊把握機會朝聖國際級大秀。
    2023/11/12 10:51
  • 狼人樂團逗笑鬼滅歌姬milet 隔5年新莊開唱「終於能喝台啤」

    以究極生命體之姿橫掃全球的狼人樂團MAN WITH A MISSION,在結束日本與歐美主要城市的演出後,終於帶著「MAN WITH A MISSION World Tour 2023 ~WOLVES ON PARADE~」世界巡迴演唱會,睽違5年再度來台開唱,吸引2千名樂迷聚集Zepp New Taipei,吉他手Jean-Ken Johnny開演前接受媒體訪問興奮表示,終於能再次喝到台灣啤酒,更迫不及待晚上的演出,與樂迷共度難忘夜晚。
    2023/09/17 21:12
  • 安迪愛兒開唱「胸罩、尿布滿天飛」  他崩潰:真的Hold不住

    已故藝人安迪兒子、樂團「TRASH」主唱阿夜(Marz23),和混血辣模未婚妻鄭又寧(Lea)下月將迎來兒子誕生,昨(4)晚他帶著巡演「不遠處WORLD TOUR 2023」在Zepp New Taipei開唱,粉絲在他開唱時朝台上狂丟內衣、尿布以及小孩吃的米菓,讓他超驚嚇,直喊:「我真的要Hold不住了,現在這個現場感覺有點像跳蚤市集,等等結束開放領號碼牌讓大家挑選!」
    2023/08/05 16:53
  • 睽違七年!戴佩妮一登台喉嚨出狀況 鼻孔出現異物嚇壞粉絲

    戴佩妮(Penny)睽違七年,14日於Zepp New Taipei正式引爆最新巡演戴佩妮「隨風所遇2023 Drift World Tour」台北站,有趣的是,演唱會恰如其名,執行力、貫徹力百分百,讓歌后一出場就「風」姿綽約、「冷」艷絕美,但一連演唱〈隨風所欲〉、〈我嚮往〉後,力求完美的她謙虛說:「好冷啊~冰到鎖喉了啦!」又苦笑說:「冷到剛剛好滴下鼻水,逆流成痰。」讓全場哈哈大笑。
    2023/07/16 16:53
  • International media visits New Taipei, releases sky lanterns

    The highly anticipated "World News Media Congress 2023" concluded successfully on June 30 in Taiwan. The New Taipei City News Bureau organized a captivating post-event tour for international media delegates, showcasing the local cultural beauty and promoting the city globally.
    2023/07/03 17:10
  • 舒華回家鄉開唱「出場差點哭」 含淚問親友:沒讓你們失望吧?

    韓國女團(G)I-DLE首度來台舉辦單獨演唱會「2023 (G)I-DLE WORLD TOUR [I am FREE-TY] IN TAIPEI」,7月1日、2日連兩天在台北流行音樂中心開唱。這次能帶團員一起回台灣故鄉開唱,舒華就在演唱會尾聲感性表示自己非常緊張,甚至還泛淚問全場觀眾:「我沒有讓你們失望吧!」
    2023/07/01 22:35
  • 舒華揪(G)I-DLE登北流「性感肚兜開跳」 登台前緊張到大吼

    韓國女團(G)I-DLE接連在7月1日、2日開唱,地點選在台北流行音樂中心,這是台灣成員舒華首度率團回家鄉開單獨演唱會「2023 (G)I-DLE WORLD TOUR [I am FREE-TY] IN TAIPEI」,單天活動就吸引約5千名粉絲「Neverland」進場。活動上成員頻頻以中文、台語跟粉絲互動,演唱時也幾乎開全麥,5名成員更各自帶來SOLO表演,舒華身穿性感肚兜火辣跳舞,讓人感嘆鄰家女孩長大了。
    2023/07/01 20:56
  • 唱紅《鬼滅之刃》主題曲! 日本「狼人樂團」9月來台開唱引狼嚎

    日本狼人樂團MAN WITH A MISSION今(2023)年4月跟新生代歌姬milet合作,發行人氣動畫《鬼滅之刃 刀匠村篇》片頭曲 〈羈絆的奇蹟〉(絆ノ奇跡)及片尾曲〈熱戀不已〉(コイコガレ),29日公開好消息,狼人樂團不僅睽違4年要舉辦世界巡迴演唱會,更準備在9月17日來台開唱!
    2023/06/29 20:11
  • 安迪愛兒將當爸!爬天梯驚見「超玄巧合」:一切像是注定

    已故藝人安迪的兒子Marz23(阿夜),即將升格當爸爸,日前推出新專輯《不遠處》,專輯甫發行即獲各界關注,緊接著他將展開世界巡迴演唱會「不遠處 World Tour」,第一波公布將演出的場次即包括新加坡、香港,以及在台北 ZEPP NEW TAIPEI、高雄 LIVE WAREHOUSE。對於將到各地巡演,他興奮表示:「真的很興奮,剛好巡演首站也在香港,有種先過來場勘的感覺,也發現到這裡的歌迷都很熱情!」
    2023/05/07 13:44
  • 林俊傑香港巡演!驚喜合體蔡卓妍 再唱〈小酒窩〉掀回憶殺

    歌王林俊傑「JJ20 World Tour」演唱會香港站巡迴之旅,在26日正式落下帷幕,而在香港站的終場演唱中,林俊傑邀請了過往曾經合作過的香港歌手蔡卓妍(阿Sa)擔任重磅嘉賓,不僅全場驚呼連連、兩人合唱的〈我很想愛他〉、〈小酒窩〉更是讓歌迷雞皮疙瘩冒不停,興奮表示根本就是「青春回來了」。
    2023/03/27 15:50
  • 2023世巡海外首場!iKON「5月首登小巨蛋」嗨喊:迫不及待

    韓國人氣男團iKON今日宣布來台舉辦「2023 iKON WORLD TOUR TAKE OFF」演唱會,除了是睽違5年再度來台與粉絲見面外,更是首次進軍台北小巨蛋。主辦方昨(20)日公布公告演唱會相關資訊,「台灣」為世界巡演海外場的首站,成員們相當期待,也表示上次到台灣的印象很好,已迫不及待見到台灣歌迷。
    2023/03/21 21:44
  • 「香港小天王」脫了!超猛胸腹肌直接看光 宣布來台灣開唱喜訊

    三年前在YouTube上因發佈一首〈Christy〉而得到大量關注的香港歌手Tyson Yoshi,在沒有主流媒體的報導下,憑藉著音樂實力逐漸走入台灣的音樂圈,同時結交了許多好友如高爾宣、婁峻碩與Marz23等人。近日他不僅推出全新單曲〈Optimistic〉,更宣布即將在3月30日將回到台灣,於Zepp New Taipei舉辦「MY NEW WORLD ORDER」2023 ASIA TOUR,而他的好身材也是一大亮點,讓樂迷都相當欣喜。
    2023/03/08 18:23
  • 看「怪奇比莉」演唱會不用出國 台灣加量不加價

    葛萊美獎怪物新人怪奇比莉(Billie Eilish)演唱會大電影來了!去年疫情反覆影響害你無緣出國聽,怪奇比莉的亞洲巡演也無法來台灣。不過威秀影城將推出一日限定的《Billie Eilish:Live at the O2》演唱會大電影,紀錄《Happier Than Ever The World Tour》這場巡迴,且是電影院加長版本,多了6首歌加料不加價。
    2023/01/13 16:31
  • ITZY將登台開唱!2族群免拚手速 享最佳視角保留席

    被譽為K-POP四代女團王者的「ITZY」,預計於2023年2月26日,在林口體育館舉行「ITZY THE 1ST WORLD TOUR<CHECKMATE>TAIPEI」演唱會,昨(12)日消息一出,立刻讓粉絲們都暴動了,但是僧多粥少要樣才能搶到票呢?台灣大哥大宣布精選用戶以及MyMusic指定用戶,可分別於13日、15日取得保留席次的購票序號,輕鬆入座演唱會最佳視角,購買5,800元票價用戶更享有SOUNDCHECK PARTY抽獎之專屬福利,有機會提早進場觀看「ITZY」彩排。
    2022/12/13 09:54
  • 沒買到別哭!MAMAMOO宣布加場「許願吃芒果冰」 搶票日期公開

    韓國人氣女團「MAMAMOO」台北站演唱會加場啦!她們相隔4年訪台,即將於2023年1月14日在林口體育館開唱,7千張門票3分鐘售罄,主辦單位遠雄創藝聽到粉絲敲碗加場的心聲,今(2)日中午好消息,「MAMAMOO WORLD TOUR MY CON – TAIPEI」將在1月15日加開一場,預計12月10日中午12時整於拓元售票系統開賣。
    2022/12/02 23:35
  • 南韓爆紅廠牌DPR台北站秒殺! 「無預警爆大喜訊」粉絲嗨翻

    韓國獨立音樂及影像創作廠牌 DPR(DREAM PERFECT REGIME)睽違4年集結Ian、Live、Cream、Rem等4位主要成員展開世界巡演「The Regime World Tour」,27日將在新莊紅匯廣場的Zepp New Taipei舉辦演唱會,主辦單位 Wonderful Entertainment Asia 日前特別宣佈28日再加開一場,凡購買 VIP 鐵粉票券就與團員合影等福利,詳請請至官方社群查詢。
    2022/11/25 21:36
  • 周興哲怎麼了?自爆竟想從陽台跳下 直喊:頂多腳斷掉

    周興哲日前前往美國洛杉磯及聖荷西舉辦《周興哲Eric Chou WORLD TOUR》演唱會,由於他曾在波士頓求學,所以在美國開唱對他來說意義非凡,他特別為洛杉磯粉絲演唱〈Something About L.A.〉,提到此曲由來,他表示當時工作滿檔,身心到了臨界點,公司讓他放了長假,他一個念頭就買了到洛杉磯的機票,到當地後悠然觀光,因此寫下這首歌。
    2022/11/09 20:05
  • MAMAMOO回歸報喜!睽違4年來台 開唱日期曝光

    實力派女團MAMAMOO於2014年出道,成員頌樂、玟星、輝人及華莎4人4色,成軍8年來團體之間擁有滿滿團魂,在歌壇穩站人氣女團的地位。她們10月相隔近1年推出第12張迷你專輯《MIC ON》,主打歌〈ILLELLA〉攻佔各大排行榜,甫公開就登上Bugs一位,除了合體舞台,她們同時宣布另一項好消息,即將開啟「MAMAMOO WORLD TOUR [MY CON] 巡迴演唱會」,台北站預計在2023年1月14日登場,這也是她們繼2019年後,睽違將近4年再度訪台!
    2022/10/24 12:22
  • Super Junior要來了!登台開唱時間曝光 再爆6巡演地點

    粉絲尖叫!時隔3年,韓團Super Junior帶著巡演《SUPER JUNIOR WORLD TOUR - SUPER SHOW 9 : ROAD in BANGKOK》回歸,而且據韓媒指出,這次也有規劃「台灣場」,Super Junior睽違4年再度登上台灣,讓不少粉絲超期待。
    2022/08/02 10:19
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